Thursday, 24 April 2014

Prosumers and Mash-Ups

  1. Production - As a producer and consumer, a prosumer would producer their own music which would cut costs. This is particularly helpful for DIY producers who can't spend money on a record label.
  2. Distribution & Marketing - Gets the music out there, with a prosumer, they would get their own music out there for free by using the internet such as YouTube and SoundCloud.
  3. Exchange - Giving free music to consumers and the consumers give back views which gains them more credit and they could get signed to a major label. For example Madeon is a producer and consumer (prosumer) because he listens to songs and turns them into mash-ups. However, he got signed to Sony and now he does mash-ups that includes Sony's music.
  4. Consumption - Consumption is where consumers buy and listen to music. With a prosumer they get the rights to produce the music as their own. When a prosumer works for a record label, they don't have to buy the rights for their songs, they can just use theirs, plus it promotes their songs which improves their record label.
  5. Convergence - Convergence is where multiple technologies are bought together to form a new product. With prosumers, they can use YouTube to share other media in which they are involved in, such as gaming.
  6. Creating Relationship with the Audience - Prosumers such as Beck can create a relationship with the audience, for example, involving them in the process of creating the music.
  7. Cross Promotion/Synergy - Where they use their music for other sources of media. For prosumers, if they are thinking of making any films they could use their music in the film soundtrack or they could promote the music for films and TV shows to make.
  8. Vertical Integration (Musicopoly) - This is when a media company benefits from all aspects of production, distribution and exchange. With prosumers if they would benefit from all three if they used YouTube because they would be producing the music, distributing it by uploading on YouTube and Exchanging the music for views on YouTube.

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