How do you purchase music, if at all?
NATASHA: I can't remember a time when I ever purchased music online, usually I convert music from YouTube so that I can have music for free.
LIAM: I never really bought any music online, I feel it takes the tradition out of it. There really is nothing like holding a new album or box set in your hands, which is why when I can I do buy all albums, especially bonus sets.
What's your favourite artist at the moment?
N: I don't really have a favourite artist at the moment but at the moment Im listening to artists in the past.
L: My all time favourite artist will always be Muse. However right now I'm starting to get into Alestorm or Ensiferum.
Do you listen to music for free, and how?
N:Yes I do, by either going on SoundCloud or YouTube.
L:Yes sometimes, when I'm at home and bored and don't physically have the album, I will put an album on that has been made into a playlist on YouTube.
Why do you listen to music for free?
N: Because it's easy and accessible.
L: If it's there someone got to use it.
How do you find out about new music?
N: I usually find out about new music on Vevo's Music Channel on YouTube.
L: I prefer to look at the record companies' website. Insideout Music is my favourite record company. however, I do have some other influences from my friends, the media and radio.
How has technology helped to share music?
N: Technology has helped artists share their music cost effectively.
L: Well now technology has made music much more easily accessible. Now you can get any song from any artist ever, for free. It takes the heart out of it really.
Do you have a music collection?
N: I don't really have a music collection of CD's but I have a collection of songs on my phone.
L: Sadly, I have a very small collection as far as music is concerned. I have a few box sets from Ayreon and 'The 2nd Law' album by Muse. I have some other albums around but it's nowhere near as much as I would like.
Do you have an artist that you can relate to?
N: Most of the songs I listen to are about romantic relationships and I never had one so no.
L: Not really, no.